Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 16th, 2008 Montreal

1. Newtown, Jacques Villenue's Night Club....................2. Cathedral in Downtown Montreal

3. Ian, Carla and Gene in Trinity Estiatorio........... 4.Crescent Street, Montreal's George Street

I was at the BMW dealership at 7:30 in the morning for an 8:30 opening but I was first through the door. I explained the clutch problem and the mechanic inspected the bike and confirmed the clutch would need to be replaced since there was no sign of gear oil draining into the clutch and causing slippage. The estimated time for the job was a minimum of eight hours (have to tear apart half the engine for access) and they hoped to get it started later in the day.

Gene and I moved downtown to the Delta hotel so we could play tourist. It was fantastic wandering around the streets of downtown Montreal, a North American city with a European flair. It was a beautiful sunny day with a 24 C temperature and we had lunch on the outside balcony of Winston Churchill’s on Crescent Street. Then it was back to the hotel for a workout.

We met Carla and went to Trinty Estiatorio, an upscale and trendy Greek restaurant, where we feasted on a large number of appetizers.

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